Rules for a discussion

Discussions will often become heated and loud. Here are some tips to keep discussions friendly and keep relationships comfortable.

  1. Always schedule the discussion of uncomfortable topics. This way, you can be comfortable around your partner or co-worker and know that the subject will not come up unexpectedly.
  2. When the time comes, use an object. The object can be a pen or card. The person holding the object "has the floor" and is referred to as the talker. The person who does not have the object is referred to as the listener.
  3. The talker will say something. The talker must be sure to keep what is said short enough so that the listener can respond when it is the listner's turn.
  4. The listener will paraphrase the listener's understanding of what the talker has just said.
  5. The talker will hand over the object when the talker is sure that the listener understands what the talker has said.

The object may be passed back and forth many times. Do not put off all confrontations this way. You don't want a backlog.