Catholic FAQ

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  1. There is no biblical grounds for Purgatory. Why do Catholics believe in Purgatory?

    There are many Christian terms for which the bible does not contain the word. For instance, the word "Trinity" is not found anywhere in the bible, but it means that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all the same God.

    In the same line, the word "purgatory" is not mentioned in the bible. Purgatory is not a destination like Heaven or Hell. Purgatory is a process. The word comes from "purge" which means "to get rid of". This purging process gets rid of all sin you might have had at the time of your death.


  1. Why do Catholics worship Mary?

    When we are sick or troubled, we think it is normal to ask someone to pray for us. We also believe that people who died have gone to heaven and those people can pray to God, also.

    Catholics do not worship Mary, but ask Mary to pray for them. Review the Hail Mary prayer, and notice that it states "Pray for us, sinners". It does not say anywhere "we worship you, Mary".

The Pope

  1. How can Catholics say the Pope is infallable?

    Jesus gave this assurance: "Peter, you are rock and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

    All of the Popes through the years are successors to Peter. While not all of the popes have led exemplory lives, they have never led the church astray. It is the ability to keep the church on the straight and narrow path that we site as infallable, not the personal sins of the Pope.


  1. Why do we need a priest to hear confessions?

    The sacrament of confession was laid down specifically by Jesus when he said "If you loose men's sins on earth, they are loosed in heaven. If you hold them bound on earth, they are held bound in heaven."

    Aside from the biblical prescedent which Jesus, himself, set forth from his mouth, Catholics have the assurance and psychological advantage of knowing with certainty that their sins are forgiven.