Examination of Conscience

The examination of conscience is observed before the sacrament of reconciliation. It is a time when a person reflects on his actions and finds areas where he thinks he has fallen short (what "sin" means) and needs to improve.

There are three basic questions:

  1. Do I fully give myself to God?
  2. Do I truly love my neighbor?
  3. In what direction is my life going?

Do I fully give myself to God?

Jesus says:

You must love God with your whole heart
  1. Have I geven my whole heart to God to the degree that I love him above all things and thus keep his commandments? Do I love him as a son loves his father, or am I too readily caught up with the love of other things?
  2. Do I firmly believe in God who has spoken to me through his Son? Do I accept the teaching of the Church? Am I interested in learning more about my faith especially by whatever could waken my faith? Have I professed by faith in God without fear? Have I given witness to my Christian beliefs in private and in public?
  3. Do I pray in the morning and the evening? Is my prayer a true conversation with God involving both mind and heart or are my thoughts far from him? Do I make an offering of the day? Do I call for help in time of temptation?
  4. Do I use the name of God with reverence? Is this true of Mary and the Saints?
  5. Do I keep holy the Lord's day and other feasts of the Church? Do I participate actively and attentively in the celebration of the Liturgy especially the Eucharist? Do I frequent the sacraments?
  6. Do I have other "idols" like work, sports, hobbies, etc. that take up more of my time and attention than He does?

Do I truly love my neighbor?

The Lord says:

Love one another as I have loved you
  1. Do I truly love my neighbor or do I opress him, using him for my purposes, or treat him in a way I would not want to be treated? Have I scandalized my neighbor by word or deed?
  2. Am I concerned for the well being of my family? Is my patience and love a source of joy for them? Am I concerned for my children's Christian education, helping them by example? Do I take care of their spiritual and material needs, thus fostering in them a spirit of obedience, respect and helpfulness?
  3. Am I faithful to my spouse in mind, in heart and in life? Am I concerned for the spiritual growth of my spouse? What do I do to encourage that growth? Do I give enough love, patience, encouragement, support?

    As spouses are we growing together? Do we pray together; dialogue together; communicate with each other? Do we evaluate our Christian growth as spouses and as a family?

  4. Do I share what I possess with those who are poorer than I? Do I defend the oppressed as much as I am able? Do I help those who live in misery? Do I help those who are weaker, or do I look down upon the poor, the weak, the elderly, foreigners and those of a different race?
  5. Am I responding to my vocation to be a Christian? Am I an apostle for Christ? Do I engage in charitable activities? Do I seek to bring Christian solutions to the problems of the world?
  6. In the community that I am a part of, am I solely involved in my own affairs? Do I promote honesty, harmony and love? Do I fulfill my civic responsibilities? Could I be more generous, more courageous, more self-sacrificing, more cheerful?
  7. In my work or place of employment, am I just, hardworking, honest? Do I work with a spirit of love and care? Do I pay a just wage? Do I keep my word and comply with contract specifications?
  8. Do I respect and obey ligitimate authority? Do I exercise authority for the common good and in a spirit of service?
  9. Am I truthful and sincere in my conversations? Do I engage in gossip, calumny, half truths? Have I violated someone's trust?
  10. Have I damaged the health, reputation, honor, life or goods that belong to another? Have I taken part in an abortion? Have I hated anyone? Do I feel alienated from anyone due to disappointments, injury, outright offenses? Have I sought reconciliation with them? Have I failed to stand up for the innocence of an accused?

In what direction is my life going?

Christ the Lord says:

Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect
  1. In what direction is my life going? Does the hope of eternal life encourage me? Am I growing closer to Christ through daily acts of piety: prayer and meditation; Mass and Holy Communion; visit to the Blessed Sacrament; rosary? Do I try to control my vices, passions and inclinations by mortification and self-denial? Do I eat, drink or smoke too much? Am I self-satisfied or overbearing, disregarding the opinions or feelings of others? Have I deprived others of their freedom or rights by imposing my will on them?
  2. How have I used the time, energy and talents which God has given me? Have I laced time to be His apostle? Or have I been lazy, wasted time?
  3. Have I accepted serenely and patiently the problems and set-backs of life? Do I sacrifice and mortify myself in order to imitate and share in the Passion of Christ? Am I willing to appear weak in order that others can be strong? Do I keep the rule of fast and abstinence?
  4. Have I kept my body pure and chaste as a temple of the Holy Spirit destined to rise again in glory, as a sign of God's faithful love for mankind especially in marriage? Have I committed fornication or sinned by impure words, thoughts, actions or desires? Have I led others into sin by my indecency?
  5. Have I acted against my own conscience out of fear and hypocrisy? Have my actions been guided by Christian or by selfish motives? Do I have a regular Spiritual Director? Have I been open and honest with him?
  6. Christ counts on me! Have I counted on Him?

Last modified: Sun Mar 25 11:31:40 Central Standard Time 2001